208 Weeks Project

Making a Difference One Week at a Time

Welcome to the Project!

Here at the 208 Weeks Project, we believe that all of us can make a difference in the world.
Our goal is to spread kindness, generosity, empathy, and inclusion across the nation by making at least one person’s life a little better each week. We would like to encourage people who are “doing the right thing” with thank you cards and notes of appreciation. Positive reinforcement!

The Spiral....

A bit like a to-do list, a bit like a countdown chain, our spiral ribbon gives guidance on how to add a little happiness, joy and peace into people’s lives over the next four years. Tear off the current week and do the activities listed (or choose a blank spiral and write your own). Some activities are directed at helping others, some are self-care or self-improvement, and some help the planet. All are meant to be simple and maybe even fun. You might ask a friend to join you or get a group together.

Click the links below to download the spiral or visit our Spiral Page to learn more.

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